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    Blog: Warming-up

    Did you know that a good warm-up has a positive influence on strength, speed, agility, endurance and alertness of the body?

    A warm-up does not have to last for centuries. You can get the body ready for your real workout within fifteen minutes. Nonetheless, doing a warm-up is extremely important for a good performance without the necessary injuries. The warm-up should be a important part of every training or competition. 

    A good warm-up has a positive influence on strength, speed, agility, endurance and alertness of the body. The muscles need enough oxygen during an intense workout. The warm-up increases the heart rate a bit, causing the heart to pump more blood, so the brain function adjusts itself, and the body gradually goed from the rest position to the effort position.

    When we talk about a warm-up, we can speak of an active and a passive warm-up. When we talk about an active warm-up, we talk about the movements you do during the warm-up to bring the body from rest to effort. This usually consists of quiet walking in, some muscle strengthening exercises and some loosening dynamic stretching exercises. When the muscles are supported with a tool as a warm-up, we speak of a passive

    The STARBALM Warm Spray is a very suitable tool to use as a passive warm-up to support your muscles. The spray gives a warming effect that causes the blood vessels to open. As a result, more fresh blood is pumped around, bringing oxygen, proteins and nutrients to the muscles. This in turn ensures that muscles and joints can move more flexibly and freely. We call this a local vasodilation. 

    The use of muscle warming product can not be seen as a replacement of the warm-up. 
